Living the summer..

I’m making a list for this summer..

1) find a job (Not going so well.. may be demoted on list)
2) learn to play the guitar for once and for all.. I find it ridiculous that I can’t play, it seems like such a basic skill.
3) Start writing a book, nows as good a time as ever
4) make the most of a summer in Ireland.

Living the Dream…

Jealous much?


Congrats to Mr David Maybury! I’m looking forward to reading the book. 🙂

Where do we go from here?

So last night, after watching Woody Allens Vicky Christina Barcelona I pondered on the subject of an ideal life.

The film in case you haven’t seen it, revolves around just this topic with a massive dash of gaudi, paint, temper, smoldering eyes and ‘love making’ thrown in.

I’m an arts student and we have a bit of a reputation for being directionless and a general waste of space and standing on my soapbox I can’t deny that reputation. Currently my life has no direction. 😮

The problem you see is that I am a dreamer.

A year ago my dream job was that of a foreign correspondant, writing wordy, interesting and meaningful peices for any paper that would publish them. Then I picked up a camera and got a taste for taking pictures. Maybe I’d take candid, heartbreaking images for magazines and have my own exhibitions, be an artist, become a social observer using a lens to display the true harsh nature of life. (Bullshit 101 I got a A++ in that class)

Then I went abroad for three months and considered traveling as an occupation. Just becoming a nomad and bouncing around the globe. Living my life in a series of rented apartments and part time jobs. An explorer mar ya.

Next came the Arts degree. Academia and trillion word essays full of bullshit. I’m doing well at it. Probably too well. I have no passion for it so I think about writing a book, starting a business, escaping college for a life less ordinary.

I still don’t know what I want from life but I guess the point of the story is that the film ends and everyone goes on, basically unchanged and unhappy.

I’m a tad worried about not fufilling the dreams.

PS: Choon much?  Republic of Loose – I.R.I.I.S.H (starts about 30 seconds in!)

New in town..

This is blog attempt number 4 maybe 5.. not too sure but I’m determined to work on/use this one.

In the meantime here’s a tune I’ve had in my brain for the past 3 days.

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